Return a data frame for emission for multiple pollutants.
poluttant = names(ef),
vnames = NA,
unit = "g/km",
example = FALSE,
verbose = TRUE
EF <- emissionFactor(example = TRUE)
#> using a example emission factor (values calculated from CETESB 2015):
#> CO PM
#> Light Duty Vehicles Gasohol 1.75 [g/km] 0.0013 [g/km]
#> Light Duty Vehicles Ethanol 10.04 [g/km] 0.0000 [g/km]
#> Light Duty Vehicles Flex 0.39 [g/km] 0.0010 [g/km]
#> Diesel Trucks 0.45 [g/km] 0.0612 [g/km]
#> Diesel Urban Busses 0.77 [g/km] 0.1052 [g/km]
#> Diesel Intercity Busses 1.48 [g/km] 0.1693 [g/km]
#> Gasohol Motorcycles 1.61 [g/km] 0.0000 [g/km]
#> Flex Motorcycles 0.75 [g/km] 0.0000 [g/km]
# or the code for the same result
EF <- emissionFactor(ef = list(CO = c(1.75,10.04,0.39,0.45,0.77,1.48,1.61,0.75),
PM = c(0.0013,0.0,0.0010,0.0612,0.1052,0.1693,0.0,0.0)),
vnames = c("Light Duty Vehicles Gasohol","Light Duty Vehicles Ethanol",
"Light Duty Vehicles Flex","Diesel Trucks","Diesel Urban Busses",
"Diesel Intercity Busses","Gasohol Motorcycles",
"Flex Motorcycles"))
#> Emission factors:
#> CO PM
#> Light Duty Vehicles Gasohol 1.75 [g/km] 0.0013 [g/km]
#> Light Duty Vehicles Ethanol 10.04 [g/km] 0.0000 [g/km]
#> Light Duty Vehicles Flex 0.39 [g/km] 0.0010 [g/km]
#> Diesel Trucks 0.45 [g/km] 0.0612 [g/km]
#> Diesel Urban Busses 0.77 [g/km] 0.1052 [g/km]
#> Diesel Intercity Busses 1.48 [g/km] 0.1693 [g/km]
#> Gasohol Motorcycles 1.61 [g/km] 0.0000 [g/km]
#> Flex Motorcycles 0.75 [g/km] 0.0000 [g/km]