Functions for reshaping respeciate profiles

rsp_dcast and rsp_melt_wide reshape supplied respeciate profile(s). rsp_dcast converts these from their supplied long form to a widened form, dcasting the data set by either species or profiles depending on the widen setting applied. rsp_dcast_profile and rsp_dcast_species are wrappers for these options. rsp_melt_wide attempts to return a previously widened data set to the original long form.

rsp_dcast(rsp, widen = "species")

rsp_dcast_profile(rsp, widen = "profile")

rsp_dcast_species(rsp = rsp, widen = "species")

rsp_melt_wide(rsp, pad = TRUE, drop.nas = TRUE)



A respeciate object, a data.frame of respeciate profiles in standard long form or widened form using rsp_dcast and rsp_melt_wide, respectively.


character, when widening rsp with rsp_dcast, the data type to dcast, currently 'species' (default) or 'profile'. See Note.


logical or character, when melting a previously widened data set, should output be re-populated with species and/or profile meta-data, discarded when widening. This is currently handled by rsp_pad. The default TRUE applies standard settings, so does not include profile sources reference meta-data. (See rsp_pad for other options).


logical, when melting a previously widened data set, should output be stripped of any rows containing empty weight/value columns. Because not all profile contains all species, the dcast/melt process can generate empty rows, and this step attempt account for that when working with standard re(SPECIATE) profiles. It is, however, sometimes useful to check first, e.g. when building profiles yourself.


rsp_dcast returns the wide form of the supplied respeciate profile. rsp_melt_wide

returns the (standard) long form of a previously widened profile.


Conventional long-to-wide reshaping of data, or dcasting, can be slow and memory inefficient. So, respeciate uses the data.table::dcast method. The rsp_dcast_species method, applied using widen='species', is effectively:

dcast(...,, value.var=".value")

And, the alternative widen='profile':

dcast(...,, value.var=".value")

Although, respeciate uses a local version of the SPECIATE and SPECIEUROPE weight measurements .value, so the EPA and JCR source information can easily be recovered. See also rsp_rescale_profile.


Dowle M, Srinivasan A (2023). _data.table: Extension of `data.frame`_. R package version 1.14.8, <>.