vein imports functions from spatial packages listed below. In order to install these packages, firstly the user must install the requirements mentioned here.
or if you have a 32 bits machine
INSTALL_opts = "--no-multiarch")
At the moment, most of the projects covers Brazilian regions, but I will include China, Europe or USA approaches as soon as I can.
Use the function get_project and read the documentation, there you can see more projects as well.
Check the projects here: ([]
get_project(directory = "awesome_city")
The structure of the new directory “awesome_city” is:
├── config
│ ├── clean.R
│ ├── config.R
│ ├── inventory.xlsx
│ └── packages.R
├── main.R
├── main.Rproj
├── network
│ ├── net.gpkg
│ └── net.rds
├── scripts
│ ├── evaporatives.R
│ ├── exhaust.R
│ ├── fuel_eval.R
│ ├── net.R
│ ├── pavedroads.R
│ ├── plots.R
│ ├── post.R
│ ├── traffic.R
│ └── wrf.R
└── wrf
└── wrfinput_d02
You have to open the file main.Rproj
with Rstudio and then open and run main.R
To run main.R
you will need these extra packages:
If you do not have them already, you can install:
install.packages(c("ggplot2", "readxl", "eixport"))
Read the instruction of inventory
PC_E25_1400 <- age_veh( x = net$ldv, "ldv")
#> Weighted mean = 11.17
If you want to know the vehicles per street and by age of use, just add the net. Age functions now returns ‘sf’ objects if the net argument is present.
PC_E25_1400net <- age_veh(
x = net$ldv,
net = net
key.pos = 4,
pal = cptcity::cpt(
colorRampPalette = T,
rev = T))
#> Warning: plotting the first 9 out of 50 attributes; use max.plot = 50 to plot
#> all
temporal factors and netspeed
pc_week <- temp_fact(
net$ldv + net$hdv,
dfspeed <- netspeed(
q = pc_week,
ps = net$ps,
ffs = net$ffs,
cap = net$capacity,
lkm = net$lkm,
alpha = 1.5
#> Weighted mean = 44.16
If you want ot check the speed at different hours by street, just add net:
dfspeednet <- netspeed(
q = pc_week,
ps = net$ps,
ffs = net$ffs,
cap = net$capacity,
lkm = net$lkm,
alpha = 1.5,
net = net
dfspeednet[, c("S1", "S9")],
key.pos = 4,
pal = cptcity::cpt(colorRampPalette = T,
rev = T),
axes = T
#### 2) Emission Factors
V <- 0:150
ef1 <- ef_ldv_speed(
v = "PC",
t = "4S",
cc = "<=1400",
f = "G",
eu = "PRE",
p = "CO"
ef2 <- ef_ldv_speed(
v = "PC",
t = "4S",
cc = "<=1400",
f = "G",
eu = "III",
p = "CO"
ef1 <- EmissionFactors(ef1(1:150))
ef2 <- EmissionFactors(ef2(1:150))
colplot(data.frame(PRE = ef1, III = ef2))
euro <- c(
rep("V", 5),
rep("IV", 5),
rep("III", 5),
rep("II", 5),
rep("I", 5),
rep("PRE", 15)
lef <- lapply(1:40, function(i) {
v = "PC",
t = "4S",
cc = "<=1400",
f = "G",
eu = euro[i],
p = "CO",
show.equation = FALSE
E_CO <- emis(
veh = PC_E25_1400,
lkm = net$lkm,
ef = lef,
speed = dfspeed,
profile = pc_profile
E_CO_DF <- emis_post(
arra = E_CO,
veh = "PC",
size = "<1400",
fuel = "G",
pollutant = "CO",
by = "veh",
type_emi = "exhaust"
E_CO_STREETS <- emis_post(
arra = E_CO,
pollutant = "CO",
by = "streets",
net = net
E_CO_STREETS[, c("V1", "V9")],
key.pos = 4,
pal = cptcity::cpt(colorRampPalette = T,
rev = T),
axes = T)
.The spobj is the spatial net. The size of the grid has the size of the net. You have to specify the grid spacing.
E_CO_STREETSnet <- emis_post(
arra = E_CO,
pollutant = "CO",
by = "streets_wide",
net = net
g <- make_grid(
spobj = net,
width = 1/102.47
#> Number of lon points: 12
#> Number of lat points: 10
E_CO_g <- emis_grid(
spobj = E_CO_STREETSnet,
g = g,
sr= 31983
#> Your units are:
#> g
#> Transforming spatial objects to 'sr'
#> Sum of street emissions 148791715.29
#> Sum of gridded emissions 148791715.29
na <- paste0("V", 1:168)
for(i in 1:168) E_CO_g[[na[i]]] <- E_CO_g[[na[i]]] * units::set_units(1, "1/h")
E_CO_g[, c("V1", "V9")],
key.pos = 4,
pal = cptcity::cpt(colorRampPalette = T,
rev = T,
pal = "mpl_viridis"),
axes = T,
lty = 0
dir.create(file.path(tempdir(), "EMISS"))
wrf_create(wrfinput_dir = system.file("extdata", package = "eixport"),
wrfchemi_dir = file.path(tempdir(), "EMISS"),
domains = 2,
frames_per_auxinput5 = 1, #hours
auxinput5_interval_m = 60,
verbose = TRUE)
path_to_wrfi <- paste0(system.file("extdata", package = "eixport"), "/wrfinput_d02")
path_to_wrfc <- list.files(file.path(tempdir(), "EMISS"), full.names = TRUE)[1]
gwrf <- eixport::wrf_grid(path_to_wrfi)
E_CO_gwrf <- emis_grid(spobj = E_CO_STREETSnet, g = gwrf)
gr <- GriddedEmissionsArray(E_CO_gwrf, rows = 51, cols = 63, times = 1)
eixport::wrf_put(file = path_to_wrfc, name = "E_CO", POL = gr)
Thanks and enjoy VEIN!
If you use VEIN, please, cite it (BIBTEX, ENDNOTE):
Ibarra-Espinosa, S., Ynoue, R., O’Sullivan, S., Pebesma, E., Andrade, M. D. F., and Osses, M.: VEIN v0.2.2: an R package for bottom-up vehicular emissions inventories, Geosci. Model Dev., 11, 2209-2229,, 2018.
author = {Ibarra-Espinosa, S. and Ynoue, R. and O'Sullivan, S. and Pebesma, E. and Andrade, M. D. F. and Osses, M.},
title = {VEIN v0.2.2: an R package for bottom--up vehicular emissions inventories},
journal = {Geoscientific Model Development},
volume = {11},
year = {2018},
number = {6},
pages = {2209--2229},
url = {},
doi = {10.5194/gmd-11-2209-2018}
If you encounter any issues while using VEIN, please submit your issues to: If you have any suggestions just let me know to
Please, read this guide. Contributions of all sorts are welcome, issues and pull requests are the preferred ways of sharing them. When contributing pull requests, please follow the Google’s R Style Guide. This project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.
Sometimes you need to install R and all dependencies and a way for doing that is using anaconda. Well, as my system is in portuguese, after installing R using anaconda it changed the decimal character to ‘,’. In order to change it back to english meaning decimal separator as ‘.’, I added this variable into the .bashrc
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