return an object of average speed bins as defined by
US EPA MOVES. The input must be speed as miles/h (mph)
moves_speed(x, net)
net$mph <- units::set_units(net$ps, "miles/h")
net$speed_bins <- moves_speed(net$mph)
#> Simple feature collection with 1505 features and 1 field
#> Geometry type: LINESTRING
#> Dimension: XY
#> Bounding box: xmin: -46.8066 ymin: -23.62 xmax: -46.696 ymax: -23.5287
#> Geodetic CRS: WGS 84
#> First 10 features:
#> ps geometry
#> 1 2 LINESTRING (-46.74635 -23.6...
#> 2 6 LINESTRING (-46.73996 -23.5...
#> 3 5 LINESTRING (-46.7061 -23.61...
#> 4 10 LINESTRING (-46.74296 -23.6...
#> 5 8 LINESTRING (-46.77355 -23.5...
#> 6 15 LINESTRING (-46.70467 -23.5...
#> 7 7 LINESTRING (-46.7264 -23.61...
#> 8 7 LINESTRING (-46.7264 -23.61...
#> 9 5 LINESTRING (-46.69874 -23.5...
#> 10 5 LINESTRING (-46.74664 -23.6...