All functions |
Construction function for class "EmissionFactors" |
Construction function for class "EmissionFactorsList" |
Construction function for class "Emissions" |
Construction function for class "EmissionsArray" |
Construction function for class "GriddedEmissionsArray" |
Construction function for class "Speed" |
Construction function for class "Vehicles" |
Construction function to add unit km |
Construction function to add unit miles |
Add polygon id to lines road network |
function to add a scale to a image plot |
Average daily traffic (ADT) from hourly traffic data. |
Applies a survival rate to numeric new vehicles |
Returns amount of vehicles at each age |
Returns amount of vehicles at each age |
Returns amount of vehicles at each age |
Returns amount of vehicles at each age |
Average Weight for hourly traffic data. |
Construction function for Celsius temperature |
Check the max number of threads |
Fraction of mileage driven with a cold engine or catalizer below normal temperature |
Function to plot columns of data.frames |
Description data.frame for MOVES |
Number of days of the month |
Emissions factors for Environment Company of Sao Paulo, Brazil (CETESB) |
Emissions factors from Chinese emissions guidelines |
Correction of Chinese emission factors by deterioration |
Correction of Chinese factors by altitude |
Correction of Chinese emission factors by humidity |
Chinese emission factors by emissions standard |
Correction of Chinese emission factors by sulfur |
Correction of Chinese emission factors by speed |
Correction of Chinese emission factors by temperature |
Correction of Chinese factors by humidity when temperature > 24 |
Emissions factors from European European Environment Agency |
Emission Factors from EMFAC emission factors |
Evaporative emission factor |
Experimental: Returns a function of Emission Factor by age of use |
Scaling constant with speed emission factors of Heavy Duty Vehicles |
Emissions factors for Heavy Duty Vehicles based on average speed |
Emission factors deoending on accumulated mileage |
Cold-Start Emissions factors for Light Duty Vehicles |
List of cold start emission factors of Light Duty Vehicles |
Scaling constant with speed emission factors of Light Duty Vehicles |
Emissions factors for Light Duty Vehicles and Motorcycles |
Local Emissions factors |
Emissions factors of N2O and NH3 |
Emissions factors from tyre, break and road surface wear |
Emission factor that incorporates the effect of high emitters |
Estimation of emissions |
(in development, needs checks) Aggregate emissions by lumped groups in chemical mechanism |
Aggregate emissions by lumped groups in chemical mechanism |
Estimation with Chinese factors |
Estimation of cold start emissions hourly for the of the week |
Estimation of cold start emissions with top-down approach |
Determine deterioration factors for urban conditions |
Allocate emissions into spatial objects (street emis to grid) |
Emission calculation based on EMFAC emission factors |
Estimation of evaporative emissions |
Estimation of evaporative emissions 2 |
Allocate emissions into a grid returning point emissions or flux |
Estimation of hot exhaust emissions with a top-down approach |
Estimation with long format |
Re-order the emission to match specific hours and days |
Estimation of resuspension emissions from paved roads |
Post emissions |
Emis to streets distribute top-down emissions into streets |
Emission estimation from tyre, brake and road surface wear |
Emission factors from Environmental Agency of Sao Paulo CETESB |
List of functions of mileage in km fro Brazilian fleet |
Correction due Fuel effects |
Get ef reference data |
Download vein project |
Allocate emissions gridded emissions into streets (grid to emis street) |
Helper function to copy and zip projects |
Inventory function. |
Transform data.frame from long to wide format |
Creates rectangular grid for emission allocation |
MOVES emission factors |
MOVES estimation of using rates per distance |
MOVES estimation of using rates per distance by model year |
MOVES estimation of using rates per distance by model year |
MOVES estimation of using rates per distance by model year |
MOVES estimation of using rates per start by model year |
MOVES estimation of using rates per start by model year |
Return speed bins according to US/EPA MOVES model |
Returns amount of vehicles at each age |
Road network of the west part of Sao Paulo city |
Calculate speeds of traffic network |
Profile of Vehicle start patterns |
Profile of traffic data 24 hours 7 n days of the week |
Data.frame with pollutants names and molar mass used in VEIN |
Profile of traffic data 24 hours 7 n days of the week |
Remove units |
Speciation of emissions |
Split street emissions based on a grid |
Expansion of hourly traffic data |
Expanded Vehicles data.frame by hour |
creates a .tex a table from a data.frame |
Notes with sysinfo |
Estimation of VKM |
Transform data.frame from wide to long format |