Creates a dataframe of speeds for different hours
and each link based on morning rush traffic data
q = 1,
alpha = 0.15,
beta = 4,
scheme = FALSE,
dist = "km"
Data-frame of traffic flow to each hour (veh/h)
Peak speed (km/h)
Free flow speed (km/h)
Capacity of link (veh/h)
Distance of link (km)
Parameter of BPR curves
Parameter of BPR curves
SpatialLinesDataFrame or Spatial Feature of "LINESTRING"
Logical to create a Speed data-frame with 24 hours and a default profile. It needs ffs and ps:
String indicating the units of the resulting distance in speed. Default is units from peak speed `ps`
00:00-06:00 | ffs |
06:00-07:00 | average between ffs and ps |
07:00-10:00 | ps |
10:00-17:00 | average between ffs and ps |
17:00-20:00 | ps |
20:00-22:00 | average between ffs and ps |
22:00-00:00 | ffs |
dataframe speeds with units or sf.
pc_week <- temp_fact(net$ldv+net$hdv, pc_profile)
df <- netspeed(pc_week, net$ps, net$ffs, net$capacity, net$lkm, alpha = 1)
plot(df) #plot of the average speed at each hour, +- sd
# net$ps <- units::set_units(net$ps, "miles/h")
# net$ffs <- units::set_units(net$ffs, "miles/h")
# df <- netspeed(pc_week, net$ps, net$ffs, net$capacity, net$lkm, alpha = 1)
# class(df)
# plot(df) #plot of the average speed at each hour, +- sd
# df <- netspeed(ps = net$ps, ffs = net$ffs, scheme = TRUE)
# class(df)
# plot(df) #plot of the average speed at each hour, +- sd
# dfsf <- netspeed(ps = net$ps, ffs = net$ffs, scheme = TRUE, net = net)
# class(dfsf)
# head(dfsf)
# plot(dfsf, pal = cptcity::lucky(colorRampPalette = TRUE, rev = TRUE),
# key.pos = 1, max.plot = 9)
#> Weighted mean = 45.39