estimates wear emissions.
The sources are tyres, breaks and road surface.
pol = "TSP",
load = 0.5,
axle = 2,
road = "urban",
verbose = FALSE
Character; type of wear: "tyre" (or "tire"), "break" (or "brake") and "road"
Character; type of vehicle: "2W", "MC", "Motorcycle", "PC", "LCV", 'HDV", "BUS", "TRUCKS"
Character; pollutant: "TSP", "PM10", "PM2.5", "PM1" and "PM0.1"
Data.frame of speeds
Load of the HDV
Number of axle of the HDV
Type of road "urban", "rural", "motorway". Only applies when type is "E6DV" or "BEV"
Logical to show more information. Only applies when type is "E6DV" or "BEV"
emission factors grams/km
Ntziachristos and Boulter 2016. Automobile tyre and break wear and road abrasion. In: EEA, EMEP. EEA air pollutant emission inventory guidebook-2009. European Environment Agency, Copenhagen, 2016
When type is "E6DV" or "BEV": Tivey J., Davies H., Levine J., Zietsman J., Bartington S., Ibarra-Espinosa S., Ropkins K. 2022. Meta Analysis as Early Evidence on the Particulate Emissions Impact of EURO VI to Battery Electric Bus Fleet Transitions. Paper under development.
pc_week <- temp_fact(net$ldv+net$hdv, pc_profile)
df <- netspeed(pc_week, net$ps, net$ffs, net$capacity, net$lkm, alpha = 1)
ef <- ef_wear(wear = "tyre", type = "PC", pol = "PM10", speed = df)
ef_wear(wear = "tyre",
type = c("E6DV"),
pol = "PM10",
verbose = TRUE)
ef_wear(wear = "tyre",
type = c("E6DV"),
pol = "PM10",
verbose = FALSE)
#> wear veh road pol ef efi efs
#> 16 tyre E6DV urban PM10 27 21 38
#> 27 [g/km]