returns speed functions or data.frames which depends on ambient temperature
average speed. The emission factors comes from the guidelines EMEP/EEA air pollutant
emission inventory guidebook
v = "LDV",
k = 1,
show.equation = FALSE,
fcorr = rep(1, 8)
Character; Category vehicle: "LDV"
Numeric vector or data.frame; Ambient temperature. Monthly mean can be used. When ta is a data.frame, one option is that the number of rows should be the number of rows of your Vehicles data.frame. This is convenient for top-down approach when each simple feature can be a polygon, with a monthly average temperature for each simple feature. In this case, the number of columns can be the 12 months.
Character; Size of engine in cc: "<=1400", "1400_2000" or ">2000"
Character; Type of fuel: "G", "D" or "LPG"
Character or data.frame of Characters; Euro standard: "PRE", "I", "II", "III", "IV", "V", "VI" or "VIc". When 'eu' is a data.frame and 'ta' is also a data.frame both has to have the same number of rows. For instance, When you want that each simple feature or region has a different emission standard.
Character; Pollutant: "CO", "FC", "NOx", "HC" or "PM"
Numeric; Multiplication factor
Option to see or not the equation parameters
Numeric; Speed to return Number of emission factor and not a function.
Numeric; Correction by fuel properties by euro technology.
See fuel_corr
. The order from first to last is
"PRE", "I", "II", "III", "IV", "V", VI, "VIc". Default is 1
an emission factor function which depends of the average speed V and ambient temperature. g/km
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
ef1 <- ef_ldv_cold(ta = 15, cc = "<=1400", f ="G", eu = "PRE", p = "CO",
show.equation = TRUE)
speed <- Speed(10)
ef_ldv_cold(ta = 15, cc = "<=1400", f ="G", eu = "PRE", p = "CO", speed = speed)
# lets create a matrix of ef cold at different speeds and temperatures
te <- -50:50
lf <- sapply(1:length(te), function(i){
ef_ldv_cold(ta = te[i], cc = "<=1400", f ="G", eu = "I", p = "CO", speed = Speed(0:120))
filled.contour(lf, col= cptcity::lucky())
euros <- c("V", "V", "IV", "III", "II", "I", "PRE", "PRE")
ef_ldv_cold(ta = 10, cc = "<=1400", f ="G", eu = euros, p = "CO", speed = Speed(0))
lf <- ef_ldv_cold(ta = 10, cc = "<=1400", f ="G", eu = euros, p = "CO", speed = Speed(0:120))
dt <- matrix(rep(2:25,5), ncol = 12) # 12 months
ef_ldv_cold(ta = dt, cc = "<=1400", f ="G", eu = "I", p = "CO", speed = Speed(0))
ef_ldv_cold(ta = dt, cc = "<=1400", f ="G", eu = euros, p = "CO", speed = Speed(34))
euros2 <- c("V", "V", "V", "IV", "IV", "IV", "III", "III")
dfe <- rbind(euros, euros2)
ef_ldv_cold(ta = 10, cc = "<=1400", f ="G", eu = dfe, p = "CO", speed = Speed(0))
ef_ldv_cold(ta = dt[1:2,], cc = "<=1400", f ="G", eu = dfe, p = "CO", speed = Speed(0))
# Fuel corrections
fcorr <- c(0.5,1,1,1,0.9,0.9,0.9,0.9)
ef1 <- ef_ldv_cold(ta = 15, cc = "<=1400", f ="G", eu = "PRE", p = "CO",
show.equation = TRUE, fcorr = fcorr)
ef_ldv_cold(ta = 10, cc = "<=1400", f ="G", eu = dfe, p = "CO", speed = Speed(0),
fcorr = fcorr)
} # }