returns emission factors as vector or data.frames.
The emission factors comes from the chinese emission guidelines (v3) from the
Chinese Ministry of Ecology and Environment
Character; category vehicle: "PV" for Passenger Vehicles or 'Trucks"
Character; sub-category of of vehicle: PV Gasoline: "Mini", "Small","Medium", "Large", "Taxi", "Motorcycles", "Moped", PV Diesel: "Mediumbus", "Largebus", "3-Wheel". Trucks: "Mini", "Light" , "Medium", "Heavy"
Character;fuel: "G", "D", "CNG", "ALL"
Character or data.frame; "PRE", "I", "II", "III", "IV", "V". When it is a data.frame, it each row is a different region and ta, humidity, altitud, speed, sulphur and load_factor lengths have the same as the number of rows.
Character; pollutant: "CO", "NOx","HC", "PM", "Evaporative_driving" or "Evaporative_parking"
Numeric; multiplication factor
Numeric; temperature of ambient in celcius degrees. When standard is a data.frame, the length must be equal to the number of rows of standard.
Numeric; relative humidity. When standard is a data.frame, the length must be equal to the number of rows of standard.
Numeric; altitude in meters. When standard is a data.frame, the length must be equal to the number of rows of standard.
Numeric; altitude in km/h When standard is a data.frame, the length must be equal to the number of rows of standard.
Integer; any of 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018
Numeric; sulphur in ppm. When standard is a data.frame, the length must be equal to the number of rows of standard.
Numeric; When standard is a data.frame, the length must be equal to the number of rows of standard.
Logical; When TRUE, it shows a description of the vehicle in chinese and english. Only when length standard is 1.
Logical; When TRUE, return only correction factors.
An emission factor
Combination of vehicles:
v | t | f |
PV | Mini | G HY |
PV | Bus | D HY D |
PV | Mini | CNG |
PV | Bus | CNG |
PV | Mini | G |
PV | Small | G |
PV | Medium | G |
PV | Large | G |
PV | Taxi | G |
PV | Bus | G |
PV | Motorcycles | G |
PV | Moped | G |
PV | Mini | D |
PV | Small | D |
PV | Mediumbus | D |
PV | Medium | D |
PV | Largebus | D |
PV | Bus | D |
PV | 3-Wheel | D |
PV | Small | ALL |
PV | Mediumbus | ALL |
PV | Largebus | ALL |
PV | Taxi | ALL |
PV | Bus | ALL |
Trucks | Bus | G |
Trucks | Light | G |
Trucks | Medium | G |
Trucks | Heavy | G |
Trucks | Light | D |
Trucks | Medium | D |
Trucks | Heavy | D |
Trucks | Low Speed | D |
Trucks | Mini | D |
standard VI is assumed as V
Other China:
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# when standard is 'character'
# Checking
df_st <- rev(c(as.character(as.roman(5:1)), "PRE"))
ef_china(t = "Mini", f = "G", standard = df_st, p = "CO")
ef_china(t = "Mini", f = "G", standard = df_st, p = "HC")
ef_china(t = "Mini", f = "G", standard = df_st, p = "NOx")
ef_china(t = "Mini", f = "G", standard = df_st, p = "PM2.5")
ef_china(t = "Mini", f = "G", standard = df_st, p = "PM10")
ef_china(t = "Small", f = "G", standard = df_st, p = "CO")
ef_china(t = "Small", f = "G", standard = df_st, p = "HC")
ef_china(t = "Small", f = "G", standard = df_st, p = "NOx")
ef_china(t = "Small", f = "G", standard = df_st, p = "PM2.5")
ef_china(t = "Small", f = "G", standard = df_st, p = "PM10")
ef_china(t = "Mini",
standard = c("PRE"),
p = "CO",
k = 1,
ta = celsius(15),
humidity = 0.5,
altitude = 1000,
speed = Speed(30),
baseyear_det = 2014,
sulphur = 50,
load_factor = 0.5,
details = FALSE)
ef_china(standard = c("PRE", "I"), p = "CO", correction_only = TRUE)
# when standard is 'data.frame'
df_st <- matrix(c("V", "IV", "III", "III", "II", "I", "PRE"), nrow = 2, ncol = 7, byrow = TRUE)
df_st <- as.data.frame(df_st)
a <- ef_china(standard = df_st,
p = "PM10",
ta = rep(celsius(15), 2),
altitude = rep(1000, 2),
speed = rep(Speed(30), 2),
sulphur = rep(50, 2))
ef_china(standard = df_st, p = "PM2.5", ta = rep(celsius(20), 2),
altitude = rep(1501, 2), speed = rep(Speed(29), 2), sulphur = rep(50, 2))
# when standard, temperature and humidity are data.frames
# assuming 10 regions
df_st <- matrix(c("V", "IV", "III", "III", "II", "I", "PRE"), nrow = 10, ncol = 7, byrow = TRUE)
df_st <- as.data.frame(df_st)
df_t <- matrix(21:30, nrow = 10, ncol = 12, byrow = TRUE)
df_t <- as.data.frame(df_t)
for(i in 1:12) df_t[, i] <- celsius(df_t[, i])
# assuming 10 regions
df_h <- matrix(seq(0.4, 0.5, 0.05), nrow = 10, ncol = 12, byrow = TRUE)
df_h <- as.data.frame(df_h)
a <- ef_china(standard = df_st, p = "CO", ta = df_t, humidity = df_h,
altitude = rep(1501, 10), speed = rep(Speed(29), 10), sulphur = rep(50, 10))
a <- ef_china(standard = df_st, p = "PM2.5", ta = df_t, humidity = df_h,
altitude = rep(1501, 10), speed = rep(Speed(29), 10), sulphur = rep(50, 10))
a <- ef_china(standard = df_st, p = "PM10", ta = df_t, humidity = df_h,
altitude = rep(1501, 10), speed = rep(Speed(29), 10), sulphur = rep(50, 10))
} # }