estimates wear emissions. The sources are tyres,
breaks and road surface.
Object of class "Vehicles"
Length of the road in km.
list of emission factor functions class "EmissionFactorsList", length equals to hours.
Character for indicating "tyre", "break" or "road"
Speed data-frame with number of columns as hours
Age of oldest vehicles for that category
Numerical or dataframe with nrows equal to 24 and ncol 7 day of the week
Number of considered hours in estimation
Number of considered days in estimation
emission estimation g/h
Ntziachristos and Boulter 2016. Automobile tyre and break wear and road abrasion. In: EEA, EMEP. EEA air pollutant emission inventory guidebook-2009. European Environment Agency, Copenhagen, 2016
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
pc_week <- temp_fact(net$ldv[1:10] + net$hdv[1:10], pc_profile[, 1])
df <- netspeed(pc_week, net$ps[1:10], net$ffs[1:10],
net$capacity[1:10], net$lkm[1:10], alpha = 1)
ef <- ef_wear(wear = "tyre", type = "PC", pol = "PM10", speed = df)
emi <- emis_wear(veh = age_ldv(net$ldv[1:10], name = "VEH"),
lkm = net$lkm[1:10], ef = ef, speed = df,
profile = pc_profile[, 1])
} # }