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Combine area sources and total emissions to model output


  inventory = NULL,
  mm = 1,
  aerosol = FALSE,
  check = TRUE,
  plot = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE


matrix of emission



a inventory raster from read


grid information


pollutant molar mass


TRUE for aerosols and FALSE (defoult) for gazes


TRUE (defoult) to check negative and NA values and replace it for zero


list of total emission


pollutant name


list of area sources or matrix with a spatial distribution


TRUE for plot the final emissions


display additional information


a vector of emissions in MOL / mk2 h for gases and ug / m2 s for aerosols.


if Inventory is provided, the firsts tree arguments are not be used by the function.

Is a good practice use the set_units(fe,your_unity), where fe is your emission factory and your_unity is usually g/km on your emission factory

the list of area must be in the same order as defined in vehicles and total emission.

just WRF-Chem is suported by now

See also


fleet  <- vehicles(example = TRUE)
#> using a example of vehicles (DETRAN 2016 data and SP vahicle distribution):
#>                              Category   Type Fuel        Use       SP      RJ
#> Light Duty Vehicles Gasohol   LDV_E25    LDV  E25  41 [km/d] 11624342 2712343
#> Light Duty Vehicles Ethanol  LDV_E100    LDV E100  41 [km/d]   874627  204079
#> Light Duty Vehicles Flex        LDV_F    LDV FLEX  41 [km/d]  9845022 2297169
#> Diesel Trucks               TRUCKS_B5 TRUCKS   B5 110 [km/d]   710634  165814
#> Diesel Urban Busses           CBUS_B5    BUS   B5 165 [km/d]   792630  184947
#> Diesel Intercity Busses       MBUS_B5    BUS   B5 165 [km/d]    21865    5101
#> Gasohol Motorcycles          MOTO_E25   MOTO  E25 140 [km/d]  3227921  753180
#> Flex Motorcycles               MOTO_F   MOTO FLEX 140 [km/d]   235056   54846
#>                                  MG      PR      SC
#> Light Duty Vehicles Gasohol 4371228 3036828 2029599
#> Light Duty Vehicles Ethanol  328895  228494  152709
#> Light Duty Vehicles Flex    3702131 2571986 1718932
#> Diesel Trucks                267227  185651  124076
#> Diesel Urban Busses          298061  207072  138392
#> Diesel Intercity Busses        8222    5712    3817
#> Gasohol Motorcycles         1213830  843285  563592
#> Flex Motorcycles              88390   61407   41040

EmissionFactors <- emissionFactor(example = TRUE)
#> using a example emission factor (values calculated from CETESB 2015):
#>                                       CO            PM
#> Light Duty Vehicles Gasohol  1.75 [g/km] 0.0013 [g/km]
#> Light Duty Vehicles Ethanol 10.04 [g/km] 0.0000 [g/km]
#> Light Duty Vehicles Flex     0.39 [g/km] 0.0010 [g/km]
#> Diesel Trucks                0.45 [g/km] 0.0612 [g/km]
#> Diesel Urban Busses          0.77 [g/km] 0.1052 [g/km]
#> Diesel Intercity Busses      1.48 [g/km] 0.1693 [g/km]
#> Gasohol Motorcycles          1.61 [g/km] 0.0000 [g/km]
#> Flex Motorcycles             0.75 [g/km] 0.0000 [g/km]

TOTAL  <- totalEmission(fleet,EmissionFactors,pol = c("CO"),verbose = TRUE)
#> Total of CO : 1676996.43578795 t year-1 

grid   <- gridInfo(paste0(system.file("extdata", package = "EmissV"),"/wrfinput_d01"))
#> Grid information from: /home/runner/work/_temp/Library/EmissV/extdata/wrfinput_d01 
shape  <- raster::shapefile(paste0(system.file("extdata", package = "EmissV"),"/BR.shp"))
raster <- raster::raster(paste0(system.file("extdata", package = "EmissV"),"/dmsp.tiff"))

SP     <- areaSource(shape[22,1],raster,grid,name = "SP")
#> processing SP area ... 
#> fraction of SP area inside the domain = 0.944981686036935
RJ     <- areaSource(shape[17,1],raster,grid,name = "RJ")
#> processing RJ area ... 
#> fraction of RJ area inside the domain = 0.734040064556526

e_CO   <- emission(total = TOTAL,
                   pol = "CO",
                   area = list(SP = SP, RJ = RJ),
                   grid = grid,
                   mm = 28)
#> calculating emissions for CO using molar mass = 28 ...