Read a variable
file = file.choose(),
name = NA,
as_raster = FALSE,
raster_crs = "WRF",
raster_lev = 1,
k = NA,
verbose = FALSE,
array or raster object
name of file interactively (default) or specified
name of the variable (any variable) or time to return a POSIXlt object from model
return a raster instead of an array
crs of outputif as_raster is TRUE, see details
level for rasters from a 4D variable
display additional information
additional parameters passed to wrf_raster
wrf_get can return a raster object with the option as_raster = TRUE, raster_crs can be used to specify the output crs of the raster object, raster_crs = 'latlon' can be especifyed to use latlon option in wrf_raster. If raster_crs is 'WRF' (default), the output projection is equivalent to the WRF grid.
# create the folder and emission file
dir.create(file.path(tempdir(), "EMISS"))
wrf_create(wrfinput_dir = system.file("extdata", package = "eixport"),
wrfchemi_dir = file.path(tempdir(), "EMISS"))
# get the name of created file
files <- list.files(path = file.path(tempdir(), "EMISS"),
pattern = "wrfchemi",
full.names = TRUE)
# open, put some numbers and write
CO <- wrf_get(file = files[1],
name = "E_CO")
CO[] = rnorm(length(CO))
wrf_put(file = files[1],
name = "E_CO",
COr <- wrf_get(file = files[1],
name = "E_CO",
as_raster = TRUE)
#> Warning: '/tmp/RtmpEjoyhr/EMISS' already exists
#> creating emission for domain 1 ...
#> output file: /tmp/RtmpEjoyhr/EMISS/wrfchemi_d01_2011-08-01_00:00:00