Function to expand, split and write emissions. The input is expanded into time by profile and split between variables with diferent weights.
file = file.choose(),
name = NA,
total = NA,
norm = FALSE,
profile = 1,
weights = 1,
verbose = TRUE
matrix or array of emissions of spatial weights
emission file name
species to be write
total of emited species (modifier)
if the spatial weights need to be normalized (modifier)
temporal profile to expand the emissions (modifier)
weight of each species (modifier)
display additional information
length(profile) must be the number of times in the emission file (value of frames_per_auxinput5 if wrf_create() was used to create this file).
total is an additional way to calculate or correct the total emissions
sum(profile) = 1 and sum(weights) = 1 to conserve mass
names and weights must have the same length
if (FALSE) {
dir.create(file.path(tempdir(), "EMISS"))
wrf_create(wrfinput_dir = system.file("extdata", package = "eixport"),
wrfchemi_dir = file.path(tempdir(), "EMISS"),
frames_per_auxinput5 = 24)
# get the name of created file
files <- list.files(path = file.path(tempdir(), "EMISS"),
pattern = "wrfchemi",
full.names = TRUE)
perfil <- c(0.010760058, 0.005280596, 0.002883553, 0.002666932,
0.005781312, 0.018412838, 0.051900411, 0.077834636,
0.067919758, 0.060831614, 0.055852868, 0.052468599,
0.050938043, 0.051921718, 0.052756244, 0.052820165,
0.058388406, 0.072855890, 0.075267137, 0.063246412,
0.042713523, 0.029108975, 0.022091855, 0.015298458)
ty = "l",
col= "purple",
xlab = "Hour",
main = "Time profile",
ylab = "Weight",
axes = FALSE,
xlim = c(0, 24))
at = c(0, 6, 12, 18, 24),
labels = c("00:00","06:00","12:00","18:00","00:00"))
total = 1521983,
profile = perfil,
name = "E_CO")